Our essential oil story began over 12 years ago, in the Southern part of Brazil...
I've actually been an essential oil user for 12+ years. Long story short, I was introduced to essential oils on a trip to Brazil. Back then I simply thought they were right up there with 'snake oils' or 'aromatic oils that don't really do anything'.
Over the next decade I tried just about EVERY brand of Essential Oils in existence. I bought starter-kits from numerous companies, tried health food store oils, and even obscure direct-to-consumer brands. The saying "you get what you pay for" seemed to ring true and I started researching more on the quality, purity, and sourcing of the oils.
Oils helped us through some tough times over the years -- I've been either pregnant or nursing since 2011 -- so a lot of traditional western medications have been "off limits" for me during this long stretch of growing our family. I also became extremely sensitive to the synthetic fragrances found in household cleaners, personal products and perfumes... I've had to find natural plant-based products to use instead.
The past two years I've struggled with being able to get enough rest and "turn my brain off at night." This went on for way too long. After years of this - all the while trying different things to try to help me - I FINALLY found something just right - DoTerra's Copaiba Essential Oil! It has some pretty amazing science behind it and I love that my essential oil journey started in Brazil and that Copaiba is harvested from the Copaifera trees in Brazil, it's perfectly fitting!
This is just a small part of our story, but one that's been invaluable to me personally. Mike has learned so much over the years too and loves the science & chemistry behind plant based solutions in our home. It was actually HIS idea that we go ahead and start sharing more about how we use these oils in our home, with our kids, in the garden, as a replacement for harsh chemical cleaners and personal products, etc.
You might be like I was over the years - a sceptic, simply curious, or wanting to REALLY learn everything there is to know! Or maybe you're completely new to all this. Either way, if you're open to learning about natural plant based-solutions, we'd be honored to help! - Liana
We're excited to partner with you on your journey to intentional and empowered personal and home health!
As a wholesale member you get the BEST possible price on oils AND you'll have access to our support, community, and online educational tracks. We've developed the Essential Oil Boot Camp just for you and it's FREE when you sign up!
This is our favorite kit, and is actually the kit we enrolled with! We love the Natural Solutions kit because it includes large (15ml) bottles of DoTerra's top oils as well as their other most popular products, vitamins, and suppliments for daily use. The soaps, conditioner, shampoo, and toothpaste are truly a spa-like experience and we feel great that we are using trusted plant-based, healthy products in our home. Last, one of the biggest draws for us in choosing this kit is the fact that the membership, a lume diffuser, and the Life Long Vitality (LLV) vitamins and supplements are included. LLV is actually DoTerra's #1 selling item and for good reason! This kit is a tremendous savings over buying things a la carte and the oils will equip you for just about everything you'll need starting out!
CLICK TO ORDERAdaptivā¢, doTERRA BalanceĀ®, doTERRA BreatheĀ® Respiratory Blend, Deep BlueĀ® Soothing Blend, Copaiba, DigestzenĀ® Digestive Blend, Lavender, Lemon, doTERRA On GuardĀ® Protective Blend, and Peppermint
This kit includes ten 5ml bottles, each bottle amounts to approximately 85 drops. The kit includes the BreviĀ® Stone Diffuser so you can begin enjoying your oils immediately. Like the other kits, the membership and member book are included!
The oils included in this kit are:
Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Oregano, Frankincense, Deep BlueĀ®, doTERRA BreatheĀ®, doTERRA On GuardĀ®, and DigestZenĀ®
Whether you're interested in making just enough to pay for your oils, receiving a small paycheck each month, or replacing your household income entirely... we are here to guide you on becoming a DoTERRA Wellness Advocate!
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We are excited to have you join us for our Natural Solutions Online Class from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Simply sign up below and you'll receive an email with information on how to access this class!